Sage Sense
a blog dedicated to leadership tips, inspiration and lessons learned from leaders everywhere.
Sage Tidbit #22: What is Your Personal Vision?
What is your Personal Vision?
Do you have one? If so, is it clear, still relevant, and compelling?
Ideally, you want your goals to align with your vision. This is how you sustain energy and commitment to achieving your goals. It puts all your goals in context of why you are doing what you are doing—what is the bigger picture for you.
Sage Tidbit #21: What Does Your Team Need?
We work with senior leadership teams a lot, and sometimes, they are hesitant to bring in an outside consultant to support them in reaching their next level of effectiveness. The thinking is, we are smart, ambitious, successful people, so why can’t we do it ourselves? Sometimes, you can.
Sage Tidbit #16: Metrics That Matter
Once you have clarified your goal and really believe it is possible, and see yourself achieving it, AND take consistent action aligned with your goal, THEN it’s about making sure you measure what will give you the information you need that helps you know you are making the progress you need to in order to achieve your goal.
Sage Tidbit #15: Actions Must Back Up Your Beliefs!
Last week, I talked about belief and the power of the mind and what’s possible. You can think and believe all you want but if you don’t have accompanying action, not a lot is going to happen. So, it’s not ALL about JUST believing. It’s most important to engage in action that is aligned with what you believe.
Sage Tidbit #7: Focusing & Prioritizing
Today, we are focused on focusing and prioritizing. I use the present tense because, in this day of upheaval, uncertainty, constant change and where many people undiagnosed have ADD…attention deficit…difficulty focusing. We all need help, at times, to stay focused, and refocus, as things change and new information emerges.
Sage Tidbit #6: Staying Calm & Present
At the end of all my coaching engagements (which typically last 6-18 months), a question I often ask is, “What did you learn about yourself in this process?” Today, I share a real-time reflection from one of my clients...
Sage Tidbit #5: Striving & Accepting What Is
What is the balance point of striving and push yourself and your team to achieve your goals and accepting what is, that maybe it’s not meant to be – you are not meant to achieve that goal?