Sage Tidbit #22: What is Your Personal Vision?

A tidbit is a small morsel…. of inspiration, insights, or lessons learned/tips to reflect on, and digest, over your week.

What is your Personal Vision?

Do you have one? If so, is it clear, still relevant, and compelling?

Ideally, you want your goals to align with your vision. This is how you sustain energy and commitment to achieving your goals. It puts all your goals in context of why you are doing what you are doing—what is the bigger picture for you.

If your goals are not mapped to an overall vision, you may achieve them, but maybe not without a push or feeling drained. They may not get you to where you ultimately want to be—or, more importantly, help you become who you want to be.

When your goals are aligned with your vision, it gives you the fuel you need when you are challenged to achieve a goal. It helps you see the bigger picture of what and why you are trying to attain that goal.

Reflection Questions:

  • Do you have a personal vision? If not, when can you take some time out to craft one?

  • If you do, is it still relevant? What would you update or change?

  • How aligned are your goals (what you want to accomplish) with your vision (where you want to be in the longer-term and why your goals are important)?

Suze Shaner-Brodax is an executive coach and leadership & organization effectiveness consultant. She also teaches yoga and meditation – tools to keep one sane in uncertain times. She helps professionals step up to their fullest leadership, life and growth potential. At times this means getting out of their own way in getting important stuff accomplished.


Sage Tidbit #23: Where is Humanity Today?


Sage Tidbit #21: What Does Your Team Need?