What Is Great Leadership REALLY About?
As a leader, leadership is about you and not about you. It's about you, in so far as you can inspire and support others.It's about you to the degree to which you engender a sense of credibility with others.It's about you to the extent to which you have clearly articulated a vision and have communicated it to others.It's about you to the extent to which you have a following.
After this, it's about other people. What do you do that helps others be all they can be? How do you achieve your goals together?At the end of the day, leadership must be about listening and serving others - otherwise it isn't leadership but an ego trip. Paradoxically, you must think about yourself in so far as you understand the impact you have on others and then turn the focus back on them. You can only be a leader if someone is following you.
You can only be a truly great, sage leader if you have a following where together, you are accomplishing something of importance to further the collective good.