The Sage Leader Understands The Power Of The Ripple Effect

What are you doing today to create more heart in your world? What you do, how you be, how you show up - all create ripple effects. You effect those around you which effects those around them, and so on. What is the effect you are creating as it ripples miles and miles beyond you? These days, with technology, you can be viral around the world within minutes versus days or months a hundred years ago. Big impact. Bu what KIND of impact?How are you a bridge, a conduit for information, people or resources?

Now is the time we all must join forces. We are seeing much more collaboration taking place - whether it is governments, or large or small companies. Everyone is looking for solutions in "hard times." However you get there, it seems that the growing consensus is - we can only survive together. The only way out is through.How do you keep connection - despite how hard it is? How do you maintain yourself, your family, community or organization in these tenuous times? Everyone wants freedom and choices. With freedom comes responsibility. Think about this word: response - ability. It means having an ability to respond.

The way that we create greater ability to respond and dialogue for complex solutions is to create safe containers for people to discuss and explore alternatives. I don't care whether you are talking about national healthcare, nuclear disarmament or divorce, the principles and challenges are very similar.

What has happened to our ability to create these safe containers long enough for the deeper dialogues to surface? Please check your ripple at the door or none of us will get out of this global mess alive.


The Sage Leader Understands Appreciation Can Change The Planet


The Sage Leader is a Strong Warrior with a Compassionate Heart