The Sage Leader is a Strong Warrior with a Compassionate Heart

The question I pose to you today is - what is your calling? How are you uniquely positioned, given your life experience and background, personally and professionally to answer a question that the world is asking NOW? This translates to, how do you fill a need that the world has now - at this point in history?

The mediums of social networking and the internet are potentially very powerful and transforming communication highways and tools to bring people together in service of a collective good.

These times are about connection and integration... and about clearing the name of capitalism - making it okay to make money. It's about conscious capitalism - it's about HOW you make money and WHAT you do with the money you make. Are you contributing back to the collective good or is it all about you - as an individual or as a company? How do you BE the strong warrior with a compassionate heart?


The Sage Leader Understands The Power Of The Ripple Effect


The Sage Leader Mines Their Mind