Leading Globally Requires Clear Boundaries and Increased Physical Stamina

So you have a team that is based in 8 different time zones in more than a dozen countries. If you have to be on calls at 6 am, 11 am, 4pm, 8 pm and 2 am - when do you sleep and how do you manage?I am hearing about this kind of activity from many executives who work for global organizations.

Let's get REAL! We have the technology that allows us to communicate and work 24/7 but we don't have the human capacity to do this - not if we:a) want to think clearly and effectively solve problems.b) want to have a life.b) want to have a HEALTHY life.

What is the solution?

1. Set boundaries for your personal capacity. There is a lot to be said for going back to basics. Be TRULY strategic and make forced choices about what meetings YOU personally need to be involved in.

2. This naturally leads to delegating and effective decision making.3. Be realistic about your physical capacity: growing it AND realizing you are a FINITE creature.

Focus on YOUR basic requirements of eating, sleeping and exercising "rightly" for your own body needs. Only you know for sure. Some people can get by on 4 hours a sleep forever. Others start to melt down doing this more than 3 nights in a row. In terms of exercise, find a regime that focuses on efficiency - spending the least amount of time to get the most health benefits. I am partial to practices like Yoga, in particular Naam Yoga. We are living in the age of the frantic mind. This impacts your body and stress levels. We need to do things that clear and balance the mind - brain aerobics. If you don't do this you are nowhere - but fast like a gerbil!

Get off the wheel and reassess & regroup for optimal longterm impact.


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