Leadership and Cleaning Up The Oil Spill

So, it's been two months since the spill. Some reports actually minimize the spill and its effects putting it in "a bigger perspective." The reality is no one really knows what the ultimate long-term effects will be. The bigger perspective would be to consider how our actions impact the environment, not always placing profit first.

Yet, we do know that thousands of wildlife have, and will continue to die. And the spill isn't anywhere near getting cleaned up or "fixed." I know so many people who want to help but relief efforts are blocked.

Many of us are outraged that the clean up efforts seem so slow, complicated and ineffective. Where IS the leadership in all of this mess? Clearly no one was "steering the boat" before the spill. And I'm not sure what's really been happening since except that different parties want to place blame or are concerned about who is paying for what.You have to hand it to these guys who came up with a seemingly simple solution and socialized it on the internet. The best of using social media to solve world problems. Is this too simple and cheap to work? Why not try it?

It seems that the relief efforts have become a political hot potato which seems to be slowing down real progress.What do you think?


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