Sage Tidbit #23: Where is Humanity Today?

A tidbit is a small morsel…. of inspiration, insights, or lessons learned/tips to reflect on, and digest, over your week.

It’s Valentine’s day - a holiday to celebrate love and loving relationships.

In the United States, we have a lot of changes taking place. Some of my colleagues are happy, some are not. Despite our differences, how can we show love, care and kindness for our fellow human beings?

I am solidly working in my leadership and organization development practice and, for those who know me well as a lifelong learner and seeker, I am also in seminary to be an interfaith minister. This experience informs my work in helping my clients find more meaning and purpose in their work and more closely live their values - as they define them.

These times are calling for bold, values-based leadership characterized by compassion and mutual respect like never before.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Where are there opportunities for you to show more care and kindness at work or at home?

  2. How can you manage change in ways that fosters transparent communication, open dialogue and mutual respect?

Suze Shaner-Brodax is an executive coach and leadership & organization effectiveness consultant. She also teaches yoga and meditation – tools to keep one sane in uncertain times. She helps professionals step up to their fullest leadership, life and growth potential. At times this means getting out of their own way in getting important stuff accomplished.


Sage Tidbit #22: What is Your Personal Vision?