Sage Sense
a blog dedicated to leadership tips, inspiration and lessons learned from leaders everywhere.
Sage Tidbit #11: What Matters to You & How Can You Contribute?
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness…” An often-quoted passage from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, that can describe the world today.
Which city do you want to live in? It’s about conscious leadership and deciding who you are and how you want to find meaning and contribute regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.
How Do You Balance a Vocation with an Avocation?
We are all multi-dimensional creatures, and some of us need more diversity of activity to stay engaged, contributing at our best. I am eternally interested in what drives successful people and how they leverage their multiple talents in pursuit of making meaningful contributions in their work and lives. At times this means balancing one’s vocation with one’s avocation.