Nixon to Obama - From the Eyes of A Preteen

When I was in 6th grade we watched some of the Watergate Hearings at school. I remember seeing the President breakdown, resign and say he was sorry on TV. I tried to understand why it was necessary to "cheat" - violate the law, ethics and integrity as a leader - to make sure he won. I was in 7th grade when Ford pardoned Nixon 35 years ago this week. I wondered why Nixon wasn't held more accountable for his actions. Was this fair and just?

Why was there mixed support for our current president, Obama, to address school students this week? My daughter is starting 7th grade and I feel much better about Obama's messages than Nixon's.

Forget about political agendas. How powerful is it for a child to receive a message from someone who embodies what they are asking you to do? Blessed with exceptional oratory skills, Obama has a way of sharing his personal story in "kid currency" with examples of Harry Potter, Twitter, Facebook, and Celebrity status to inspire and deliver a balanced message.

Here are the cliff notes:[The story of America is people who don't quit when things get hard...Do not allow the circumstances of your life to be an excuse for not trying your best...your destiny is in your hands...being successful is hard must be disciplined...ask for help, and learn from failures. I'm doing my part in trying to get you what you need for a good education but you must do your part.]

What parents doesn't want their child to get this message? As we lag behind other developing nations in high school graduations, our children need good roles models who actively demonstrate this kind of encouragement.We are a world struggling to unite amidst crisis - If not for yourself, then be hopeful and resilient for our next generation of leaders. How do you actively cultivate children - your own or others - to develop their talents and gifts?


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