
I am the Founder of Sage Leadership Strategies. I am very happy you’ve landed here!

I have had an unconventional career and life characterized always by living from the inside out.Over ten years ago, I was in a leadership position and found myself at a company that was going through an acquisition and a merger right after I came back from maternity leave. I experienced all of the crazy behaviors and dynamics that that kind of environment generates. I assume like you, I have navigated some difficult terrain in both my personal and professional lives. Why do we say it like that? It’s really our one life with different aspects. During this time, my marriage fell apart and I was suddenly a single mom with a six month old baby. Other life events happened all within a four month period: I negotiated my way out of my old job, negotiated my new job at a different company, finalized my divorce, my daughter contracted a rare blood disorder, I bought my first house, moved, and my mother was diagnosed with breast and colon cancer.

As a result, I am passionate about these topics: striking a balance of “taking charge” - leading your life and career - and working with the wisdom of recognizing what unfolds (or smacks you in the face!); how to best position yourself to take advantage of emerging opportunities; resiliency; holistic health and balancing work and life. I’ve learned that a great way to change my consciousness or perspective is by managing my energy in a different way. I’ve also learned the universe has a sense of humor and can dish up a great set of growth opportunities mischievously disguised as troubles or obstacles.

I love the adages:“Wherever you go, there you are.” (Attributed to Buddha)“How you do anything is how you do everything.”I look forward to learning about you - to co-create a learning community of seekers committed to their own development. Whether you are a CEO, executive, entrepreneur or a former corporate person on another track - and want more integration/alignment, better results and fulfillment with your life and work - Welcome!


Can we Have Real Commitment without Spirit?


Welcome to Sage Leadership Strategies