Sage Tidbit #13: Being an Integrated Leader

A tidbit is a small morsel…. of inspiration, insights, or lessons learned/tips to reflect on, and digest, over your week.

Leading with Head and Heart

That is what it means to be an integrated leader – one who embodies being connected to themselves and others, and who can also rigorously think through complex problems. Easier said than done!

What does this REALLY require?

  • Being conscious of how you use your mind to solve problems - how you think about issues.

  • And being in tune, in touch with your emotions – how you feel about things.

I find that people tend to major on one over the other – in terms of comfort and skill. The invitation is to recognize your major and study up on the other.

I know some leaders who lean into their analytical brain and often don’t consider the people dimension. Other leaders are very concerned about what people think and may not make the best decision for fear of conflict or requiring too much of people. Both of these “overweightings” may not serve you or the team. The invitation is to both analyze and tap into passion, excitement or positive emotions to engage the right course of action.

Reflection Questions:

  • What is your habitual way of how you think about solving problems? How can you best leverage this?

  • How can you connect with others to get them excited about, and working on, solving those problems with you?

Suze Shaner-Brodax is an executive coach and leadership & organization effectiveness consultant. She also teaches yoga and meditation – tools to keep one sane in uncertain times. She helps professionals step up to their fullest leadership, life and growth potential. At times this means getting out of their own way in getting important stuff accomplished.


Sage Tidbit #14: Power-On Your Possibility!


Sage Tidbit #12: How Can You Take Your Leadership to the Next Level?