Sage Sense

a blog dedicated to leadership tips, guidance and inspiration at the intersection of life, work, relationships, art, and balance

Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner

How Are You Able to Show Up Consistently in Ways that Matter?

As a leader it’s easy to show up and lead when things are going well. As Jack, one of my former IBM colleagues, always said, “That is not leading. That is going with the flow downriver. True leadership shows up during tough times, when you have to stake a claim and maybe make an unpopular decision, or when you have to set a direction when the future is uncertain.”

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Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner

What Is At The Root? Self-Care for Optimal Well-Being & Productivity

Getting at the root cause of an illness or injury is critical to ensure healing leading to optimal health and wellbeing. Today, there are loads of research studies and corporate wellness guides that validate what many people have intuitively known to be true: health and wellbeing contribute to productivity and performance.

True wellbeing is not just about getting a massage or going to the gym three days a week. Overall wellbeing is an outcome of being healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, financially and spiritually.

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Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner

Honoring the Worker and Nurturing Cultures of Care

The pandemic amplified the conversation around mental health and the need to honor the worker and foster more compassionate work cultures. The current wars and strife in the world require this now, more than ever. The world is in turmoil, and yet our lives and work must carry on – but how? What role can you, as a leader play? How, and why, do you nurture cultures of care?

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Shaner on Career Suze Shaner Shaner on Career Suze Shaner

How Do You Balance a Vocation with an Avocation?

We are all multi-dimensional creatures, and some of us need more diversity of activity to stay engaged, contributing at our best. I am eternally interested in what drives successful people and how they leverage their multiple talents in pursuit of making meaningful contributions in their work and lives. At times this means balancing one’s vocation with one’s avocation.

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Shaner on Career Suze Shaner Shaner on Career Suze Shaner

What Helps You Make Courageous Decisions?

What helps you make courageous decisions? First, what does it mean to be courageous? The word courage comes from the Latin “cor” which means heart. In a sense to be courageous means to go with a full heart. To make a decision with all your heart. It doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid or there isn’t danger, but you do it anyway.

So, in the face of fear and expectations of others, what enables you to make a decision that overrides all that? What pulls you toward that decision versus pushes you away from your current state?

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Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner

Why Do We Hesitate to Share What We Know?

I just got off a call with a client, let’s call them Pat, who is working on being more influential with senior leaders. Pat is a senior leader themselves. They are highly affiliative and great at putting people at ease. They tend toward introversion and will let others talk. It’s not that they don’t have a point of view – they usually do. It’s that they take great care in allowing others to be heard and feel included. They don’t feel the need to compete for attention or to be heard. When they have something that they feel needs to be said, then they say it – calmly and deliberately.

And, their affiliative style can be an overused strength. We all want to be liked.

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Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner Shaner on Leadership Suze Shaner

Navigating Your Story

We all have stories we tell ourselves. This is our self-image. We all have stories others tell about us. This is our reputation. Sometimes we internalize not helpful stories others tell about us, and sometimes we need to allow others to know more of who we are or hear feedback on what they have to say.

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