Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC

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How To Become A Life Coach Requires Skills, Competencies and Managing Your Own Life Well, Not Just Having A Life

The world has gone mad - and you want to be a Life Coach to help sort through it all? We all know someone who has been laid off, is dealing with a divorce, a major disease or grieving loss of a loved one. The planet is definitely detoxing and clearing out...First, be clear on WHY you want to be a life coach and WHAT this requires.

Because you have bi-polar and handle your disease well, you aren't suddenly qualified to be a therapist and treat others. So too, because you feel you are successful in your life, doesn't suddenly qualify you to be a life coach. Many people DO hang out their shingle this way - some without a college degree, work experience or any formal training in what it means to coach or how to coach. While well intentioned, you can do a lot more harm by working with what you don't know you don't know. We humans are complex, messy creatures.

You CAN be a great friend, role model or mentor - someone who gives advice.Your own successful life experience is certainly a prerequisite for being an effective coach. It also requires proper training and supervision. I strongly recommend receiving coaching yourself. In addition to superior listening skills, you must have clear boundaries and facility with various tools and concepts. You are a sherpa  - because you have navigated your own inner terrain, you know the landscape, and can guide your clients through nooks and crannies of their challenging or dark journey, assisting them in achieving their goal(s).

One of the most important tenets is to be clear on what your issues are and how they are effected by your client so you are clear on what they need vs. operating from your own needs. Ultimately, It's as hard and simple as that.